Friday, March 9, 2012

Rock On... Or Country On?

I'm here, I'm here! I know, Tuesday is my usual day, but Megan and I thought we'd hang out here together today... much easier to head out on the town from one place, don'tcha think? I haven't seen her yet, so I guess it's just me and the CBs for now... ;-P

I seriously had a hard time thinking of anything to talk about today. What do you mean you can't believe that? I am so mild-mannered, and quiet and... yeah, sorry, even I don't believe that one, lol.

Okay, in all seriousness... I know it's something I talk about a lot, but I love music. Lots and lots of music. I'm not like one friend who has more albums than he can really count, but I do have a lot of music. I have everything from Classical and Opera to Goth Metal and Harder rock with a little Country and even some Musicals soundtracks thrown in there too. Not a day goes by that I'm not found humming or singing something I heard, or even found with headphones on while I do chores. Even my writing is influenced by music... heck MEGAN'S writing is influenced by music I hear, lol. There have been times I've called her after hearing a song and asked her how come her characters were in my head telling me they like that song.

While I am a visual writer (I just love me some inspiration posted in front of me when I write... or just for the hell of it, but hey... can you blame me?), I do have stories inspired by songs I hear... Heck, I have an entire series of stories inspired by several bands I love and the music they make. I even have playlists on my iPod that are labeled with specific names of stories I am working on. It might come from having danced my whole life... who knows. All I do know is that music is integral to my life more than just dancing or liking music. Below is a song that has been the inspiration, and that I listen to all the time.

I know, I know, it's kind of a silly video, but the song is what I'm rockin', lol. So, how 'bout you? What does music mean to you? Annoyance or essential? What's rockin' your MP3 player? I'd love to know... I'm always lookin' for new music! Until next time... Rock on! :-D

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